How to Use a Dildo for Men

How to Use a Dildo for Men

Are you curious about how to use a dildo for men? If so, you definitely are not alone. Many men are wanting to learn how to use a dildo or another male sex toy to achieve anal stimulation and prostate orgasms. But where do you start? I am going to go through everything you need to know on how to use a prostate dildo along with tips, tricks and advice on products, lubricants, positions, and more.

Gay, Straight and Bisexual Men Using Dildos

Let’s stop the stigma that shouldn’t go along with enjoying anal sex. Because you’re curious about anal stimulation and penetration only means you enjoy sex and p-spot orgasms – and not that you’re gay or bisexual.

On the contrary, who you love determines your sexual identity. Therefore, there’s no need to question your sexuality simply because you want to try back-door sex through masturbation or with a partner.

Furthermore, if you are gay or bisexual, I’m sure you are completely confident in your sexuality and are probably nodding your head while reading this! So, guys, let go of any stigma or preconceived notions and just enjoy something that feels good.

Why Would a Man Use a Dildo?

How to use a dildo for men; medical graphic showing the male genitals, cross sectioned, with a gloved finger reaching through the rectum and touching the prostate gland.

You’re here to learn how to use a dildo for a man but wondering, “Why would a man use a dildo?” I have a simple, 2-word answer; prostate orgasm. You see, just as a female has a g-spot, you guys have a p-spot. And similar to the female, g-spot orgasm, a prostate orgasm is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced; deeper, more intense and satisfying.

Therefore, a man would use a dildo or even better a prostate massager to stimulate the prostate and give himself a mind-blowing, toe-curling, intense climax.

Male Prep Before Using a Dildo

In learning how to use a dildo for men, it’s important to know what preparations to take before shoving just any ole household item up your rear. So, let’s go over the types of anal sex toys to use, the best lubricants and cleanliness prep before you start exploring the outback.

Get the Right Butt Toy

Having the right anal toy is important for a safe and comfortable back-door experience. So, in choosing an anal toy, there are some important aspects to look for. First, be sure and get an anal sex toy with a flared base. This is important, as it keeps the toy from migrating up and into the bowel.

And, secondly, always use non-porous materials when dealing with anal sex toys of any type. This ensures the toy won’t harbor any bacteria or viruses and it’s easy to clean, boil and sterilize. Therefore, the best materials for anal penetration would be high-quality silicone or steel.

Types of Anal Sex Toys for Men

It’s a good thing for you guys to know that there are different types of anal sex toys you can use besides a dildo, that way you do have a choice and some exciting variety. Here is a brief list of anal sex toys for men along with pics and links to the products.

Suction Cup Starter Dildo

How to use a dildo for men: photo of a small, pink, starter sized suction cup dildo
Small, suction cup dildo

A suction cup starter dildo is easy to use either by holding it or suctioning it to something for a hands-free experience. This starter dildo is smaller in length and width, so perfect for back-door beginners. Meaning, it’s best to start small and work your way up to a larger dildo once you learn to relax.

Suction Cup Realistic Dildo

How to use a dildo for men; photo of a realistic penis-type suction cup dildo
Realistic, suction cup dildo

This realistic dildo also has a suction cup base so it’s safe to use for anal play. In addition, it’s soft and pliable, comfortable and made of silicone so it cleans up easily and is body-safe. Plus, you can either use it by hand or suction it to the floor, headboard or doorway for hands-free stimulation.

Suction Cup Anal Vibrator

How to use a vibrator for men; photo of a black, suction cup anal vibrator with a remote control.
Suction cup anal vibrator

If you’re not too keen on using a dildo that looks like a penis, this anal vibrator may be more to your liking. It does have several levels of vibration and a handy remote control; however, you don’t have to use the vibrating aspect unless you need the deeper stimulation as some men do. Further, the anal vibrator men has a convenient suction cup base for safety and more ways to play.

Prostate Massager with Cock Ring

How to use a dildo for men, photo of a prostate stimulator with attached cock ring
Prostate stimulator and cock ring combo

Until you practice using an anal sex toy or dildo, you may not be able to orgasm without penis stimulation. Therefore, this prostate stimulator has an attached cock ring. The cock ring gives you a firmer erection while making your penis much more sensitive – so it will give you a stronger orgasm. And, you can also use it during sex for longer-lasting love-making.

So, having the anal sex toy that is shaped specifically to target your prostate as well as the cock ring, can give you dual orgasms unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before!

Keep Things Clean While Using Your Dildo

The next prep tip you need to know, before learning how to use a dildo for men, is cleanliness. While it’s not a given that it will be messy every time, it can and oftentimes does happen. Therefore, lay down a towel or disposable pad beforehand. Also, keep flushable wipes nearby for quick clean-ups, use medical gloves, if you prefer, and you can also place a condom over your toy.

However, there are ways to ensure than any anal play is more sanitary; and that is by making sure you’ve emptied your bowels that day and by cleaning your rectum beforehand.

How to Clean Your Anus and Rectum Before Using a Dildo

How to use a dildo for men; photo of an anal irrigator
Anal irrigator

After you’ve had your daily constitutional, it’s a good idea to clean your anus and rectum before using a dildo or other male sex toy. You can do this by showering then by using an anal irrigator, or douche, to flush the rectum.

Contrary to what you may have heard, a full-on enema isn’t required unless, that is, you’re backed up and haven’t pooped in a while. Enemas reach further into the bowels and contain ingredients to soften stool and make you go – along with stomach cramping and hours on the toilet. So, a simple rectal flush, using a bulbed irrigator and warm water will suffice.

Use the Right Lubricant

How to use a dildo for men; photo of a bottle of anal lubricant
Use a good anal lubricant

Since the rectum doesn’t create its own lubrication, it’s crucial that you use a proper lubricant when having any sort of anal sex toy in your bum. Furthermore, it’s important that you use the right type of lubricant that’s compatible with the material from which the toy is made. So, the easiest bet is to use a good, anal lube that is water-based.

Additionally, you can purchase a special type of applicator that allows you to inject lubricant into your rectum. As a result, you will be lubricated internally and needn’t be as concerned with the small amount you put on the sex toy wearing off and causing painful friction.

I’ve covered using anal vibrators for men, women and couples before. So, if you want even more anal play tips, this article has even more butt-play fun.

The Don’ts of Using a Dildo for Men

Now that you know the do’s of how to use a dildo for men, it’s time to go over the don’ts. These things are extremely important for your sexual health and well-being.

Never Numb Your Bum

When learning how to use a dildo, never be tempted to rush stretching your anus by using anything that numbs your backside. Sure, those products are available, however, pain is the only way to know if something is wrong. Therefore, numbing products are a big no-no.

Pain Means Something is Wrong

If you feel any pain whatsoever when using a dildo for the first or fifty-first time, you must stop what you’re doing, back off a little bit, relax and slowly try again. If the pain continues, just stop completely and try a smaller anal toy another time.

Pain is an indicator that something is wrong with your body. And, if you don’t heed that warning, you could end up injuring yourself.

Never Share Anal Toys

The final thing to remember when learning how to use a dildo is that you should never share anal toys. And yes, that does include your male or female partner.

See, we all carry bacteria and natural flora that are exclusive to our bodies or just plain bad. Passing that to a partner could make them extremely sick. Additionally, viruses and other illness can be passed through fecal matter and sexual contact.

Finally, never share an anal toy with a vagina owner. The bacteria from the anus and rectum are not at all compatible with the urinary tract and vagina of females. The bacteria can cause painful infections and bacterial vaginosis which a male and female can pass back and forth for years, if not treated.

So, an anal toy is only for your bottom and any sexual partner gets a toy of their own! What a great excuse to buy more sex toys!

Positions for Men Using a Handheld Dildo

Now that we have all of the babbling and reading out of the way, Grey is going to help you with positions you can try while using your anal dildo. These are exclusively solo positions.

Using a Dildo Lying on Your Back

The best ways to use a dildo while lying on your back are really dependent on how long your arms are and how short of a torso you have. Also, your body build may have an effect on how easily you can reach your backside with a dildo. Here are 2 examples you can try.

Positions for using a dildo for men: photo of a figure lying on his back, propped by a pillow and using a dildo for anal masturbation.
Position yourself on your back and use a pillow to prop your head, neck, and upper body

Positions for using a dildo for men: photo of a male figure with hips propped on a pillow using a dildo anally
In this position, prop your hips on a pillow with feet flat or lift your knees to your chest.

Using a Dildo While on Your Side

Some men find it easier to use a dildo while lying on their side. Again, your body build, arm and torso length will have a lot to do with whether or not you can pull this anal masturbation position off. You can also lie on your side and tuck your knees into your chest, in the fetal position.

Positions for using a dildo for men: male figure lying on his side with one arm behind him using a dildo for anal penetration.
Lie on your side, with one arm behind you and the opposite leg drawn toward your stomach

Lying Face Down Using a Dildo

Getting into a face-down position is another way to use a dildo. I have read where a lot of men are comfortable lying flat and using both hands to work the dildo into their rears. However, for you guys with shorter arms, a doggy-style position may work better.

Positions for using a dildo for men: photo of a male figure lying face down with one arm behind his back, holding a dildo
Lying face down, place the dildo in your palm, with one or both hands behind your back

Positions for using a dildo for men: photo of a male figure in the doggy position using an anal dildo.
Using the doggy-style position for anal masturbation

Using a Dildo While Standing

For you guys that have a more difficult time reaching your back-door while lying down, can usually find success in a standing position. You can achieve this by squatting slightly or placing your foot up on something like a foot stool, ottoman or the side of the bathtub.

Positions for using a dildo for men: photo of a male figure standing with one foot on a step stool, using a dildo.
While standing, place one foot up on a stool or ottoman while bending at the waist

Positions for Men Using a Suction Cup Dildo

Suction cup dildos offer a hands-free way of masturbating anally and a solution for men who may have a body build that hinders their ability to use a traditional dildo. The following are some position suggestions you can try when using a suction cup dildo for men.

Using a Suction Cup Dildo on the Floor

Suctioning your dildo to the floor is the easiest way to masturbate anally as you can do so in several different ways. Here are just a few suggested positions for using an anal dildo with a suction cup base.

Positions for using a dildo for men: Photo of a male figure squatting over top a suction cup dildo
Try squatting over the dildo while propping your back against a wall

Positions for using a dildo for anal pleasure: photo of a male figure on hands and knees positioned over a suction cup dildo
Get into a hands-and-knees position then rock backward onto the dildo

How to Use a Male Dildo on a Chair

Using a suction cup dildo on a chair, with a smooth surface, allows you to spread your legs (and butt cheeks) as well as controlling the speed and depth of penetration.

Positions for using a dildo for men: photo of a male figure lowering himself onto an anal dildo placed on a chair
Sit on the dildo or place your legs on either side of the chair and lower yourself onto the toy

Positions for using a dildo for men: photo of a male figure straddling a chair backward and using a suction cup dildo.
Straddle the chair backward while holding onto the back for stability

Using a Male Dildo Stuck to a Door Frame or Entry Wall

Another easy way to use a suction cup dildo is by placing it on an entry wall or doorway. This allows you to get into the all-fours position and back onto the dildo while being able to fit the wall between your legs.

Positions for using a dildo for men: photo of a male figure on all fours backing onto a dildo suctioned onto an entry wall.
In the all fours position, back onto the dildo while it’s suctioned to a doorway or entry wall

Using a Dildo on the Bathtub

The bathroom is one of the better rooms in the house to use a suction cup anal dildo. Like above, you can place the dildo on the toilet lid (instead of a chair) and lower yourself onto the dildo either in a sitting position or by straddling. Or, you can use this position on the rim of the bathtub:

Positions for using a dildo for men: photo of a male figure straddling the rim of a bathtub with a suction cup dildo under him.
Straddling the tub is easier on the leg muscles

Other Ways for Men to Use a Suction Cup Dildo

How to use a dildo for men: photo of a black console table suitable for attaching a suction cup dildo.
Check out the furniture around your space for other places to use a suction cup dildo

Now that you have some basic positions for using a dildo for anal pleasure, you can let your imagination run wild all over the house. And since we are limited on the miniature furniture for Grey, here are some ideas to get you started.

  • Shower wall or floor: You can squat or bend over, just be careful not to slip.
  • Headboard: Longer dildos work best since you can’t get your legs around too anything wide.
  • Wide legged furniture, tables, television stands: Wide, flat legs are perfect for suction cup dildos.
  • Nightstand: This bedside piece of furniture is usually more narrow.
  • Washer and Dryer: Add some vibration and rumble during the spin cycle.
  • Edge of kitchen counter: A great location for bending over.
  • Weight bench: You can use weight benches multiple ways including bracing yourself with one portion raised.
  • Step stool: Solid wood step stools, with 2 steps, can be used upright or on their side braced against a wall.
  • Sex toy pillow or wedge: Although these are pricy, they are well-made and convenient for holding all types of anal toys in and out of bed.

Get Ready for Your Back-Door Adventure

Knowing how to use a dildo for men is going to open a sensual (back) door for you and satisfy those fantasies and curiosities. Plus, you are about to have orgasms that will absolutely blow your mind! So, take your time, stretch slowly then savor this new, erotic sexual journey.

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