Toothpaste On the Clitoris and Penis: A Dangerous Painful Practice!

Toothpaste On the Clitoris and Penis: A Dangerous Painful Practice!

Toothpaste on the clitoris and penis? You have got to be kidding me!

When I first read about ladies putting toothpaste on the clitoris or guys applying toothpaste on the penis, I thought it was yet another, crazy TikTok dare. You know, like eating Tide Pods or climbing a stack of milk crates and breaking your arm.


This was a 2020 viral action from Reddit that seemed to spread, causing some folks to dare guys to put toothpaste on the penis! Surprisingly, toothpaste on the clitoris was something these ladies came up with on their own years ago.

Common sense aside, let’s talk about why it’s bad to use toothpaste on the clitoris and penis, the injuries it causes and what you can use on your private parts to get that warm, cool and tingly sensation without the burns, blisters, scabs and pain.

Toothpaste on the Clitoris

I couldn’t find many cases of vulva-owners using toothpaste on the clitoris, I don’t know, maybe we are a bit more ashamed of doing something so insanely reckless. However, the one account of absolute, clitoris hell describes a pubescent girl, experimenting with masturbation and reading an article telling her to use a bit of toothpaste on her clitoris for a tingly sensation.

What ensued is quite frightening. From the post:

“Never being one for moderation, I squirted out a decent-sized glob of paste – the sort you’d actually use to brush your teeth with – and promptly rubbed it directly onto my unsuspecting clitoris.

What was once a pink pearl of pleasure became a violent, screeching volcanic mound of absolute agony. Instant regret. I obviously rushed to the shower to promptly scour my downstairs of any Colgate MaxFresh remnants, but the damage had been done. Fucking excruciating.”

My eyes are watering just thinking about it.

And I will refrain from making a “minty fresh” comment here.

BDSM and Painful Clitoris Punishments

Although doctors have explained how putting toothpaste on the clitoris and penis is dangerous and can lead to injuries, it seems those in the BDSM community continue the practice. Not only do some use toothpaste on the clitoris to induce pleasure/pain, it’s also done as a punishment. Plus, others apply more than toothpaste on the clitoris.

Some use Icy Hot, edible hot sauces, Vicks Vapo Rub as well as Listerine strips, grated, fresh ginger and red pepper flakes.

For obvious reasons, people who enjoy clitoral pain and torture will continue to do these things regardless of the consequences (which we cover below). However, for those of you just looking for a tingly rush to enhance your orgasm, using toothpaste on the clitoris (or penis) is not the way to go about it.

You can achieve safe genital erotic pain with clit clamps, nipple clamps, pinwheels or spanking paddles and floggers. You could even choose electric sex toys instead for a bit more “sting” to it.

Toothpaste on the Penis

Toothpaste on the clitoris and penis, how it's dangerous.

I found dozens of stories from Penis-owners using toothpaste on the penis. The majority of stories I read were from young men using various things, within quick reach, to masturbate with. However, one personal hell story stood out to me and involved a dating site, a dare to put toothpaste on the penis followed by being asked to share a pic of the deed on Snapchat.

The young man learned very quickly that the toothpaste on the penis dare was a horrible suggestion and an even worse way to try and share dick pics and booby shots.

Another young dude was brushing his teeth in the shower and accidentally masturbated with toothpaste – though I have a difficult time believing that. However, he learned the hard way (pun intended) that toothpaste on the penis is not a great idea.

“Okay so last night I had a late shower before hopping into bed and decided to brush my teeth in the shower being the hygienic teen I am. What I do not realise is some of the foamy toothpaste stuff you get halfway through brushing your teeth has landed on my dong.

Anyway fast forward 2 minutes I decide to wack [sic] it. I hadn’t done so in about a week so it was super easy but there was a problem, my cum came out a little more blue than it should have. And then the pain. I had realised what I had done.

I accidentally used toothpaste as lube. It’s the morning now and it’s still really inflamed. There is less pain but I’m on painkillers so there is some help. “

Why Toothpaste on the Clitoris and Penis is Bad

Toothpaste on the clitoris and penis, it can cause injury

Aside from the fact that it burns like the fires of hell, putting toothpaste on the clitoris or masturbating by putting toothpaste on the penis is dangerous and can cause serious and permanent injury. Did I just hear someone drop their cat-o-nine-tails?

Yes, BDSM lovers, I said serious and permanent injury.

And I have doctors backing that up!

But first, let’s look at the reasons why putting toothpaste on the clitoris and penis causes intense burning, possible burns, blisters, lesions and the serious injuries I just mentioned.

What Toothpaste is Made of

Depending on the type of toothpaste you use, it contains all sorts in inactive ingredients – aside from the active ingredient of fluoride – like:

  • Sorbitol
  • Hydrated silica
  • Benzoic acid
  • Alcohol
  • Sodium hydroxide
  • Glycerin
  • Carbomer
  • Titanium dioxide
  • Flavor (menthol, peppermint oil, cinnamon)
  • Much more

All of these chemicals are in toothpaste to clean the enamel of your teeth – enamel being an extremely hard substance, much different from the skin of the penis or mucous membranes of the clitoris. Additionally, there are abrasives, bleaching agents and extremely strong flavorings. None of these things are safe for, or meant to be placed on your private parts.

That’s what they make lubricants for.

Therefore, when you slather toothpaste on the penis or place a teeny drop of toothpaste on the clitoris, it causes pain, burns, blisters, discoloration, scabs and scars. Worse yet, this little “thrill ride” could cause permanent damage.

What Doctor’s Say About Toothpaste on the Clitoris and Penis

What doctors say about toothpaste on the clitoris and toothpaste on the penis

4 out of 5 dentists surveyed may have recommended chewing a certain gum for dental health, but not a single MD recommends toothpaste on the clitoris and penis.

On the contrary, they warn against it.

In this article Dr Shree Datta, a consultant in Obstetrics and Gynecology for MyHealthcare Clinic said,

 “Toothpaste can contain ingredients such as bleaching agents, peppermint or scented oils, which can be irritating or abrasive.

“These may cause a mild chemical burn and blistering on any area of sensitive skin. I’d definitely advise against putting toothpaste into or onto your genitals.

“These products are specially designed for oral use and can disrupt the balance of your vagina flora, which might lead to thrush or bacterial vaginosis.”

And here is where the serious damage comes into play:

“They can also damage the delicate skin in that area and the vaginal wall, affecting the amount of pleasure you experience during sex.”

Who wants to lose sensation and pleasure from your happy place?! Not me!

This is likely due to the fact that the vagina is made up of mucous membranes and bundles of nerves just below the skin. If you burn those areas with chemicals, you are risking serious injuries to those nerve endings.

But the Penis Isn’t as Sensitive as the Vagina

The penis isn’t all mucous membrane as is the vagina. However, the glans is more sensitive than the shaft of the penis and you have direct contact to the urethra in that area. Still, this doctor doesn’t recommend putting toothpaste on the penis.

From a Healthline article:

According to urologist, Paul C. Thur, MD, putting toothpaste on genitalia is not without risk. “If it did nothing, fine, there’d be no risk in trying it. But toothpaste has chemicals, bleach, and oils, such as peppermint oil, that are caustic and can burn sensitive skin.

If you have a break in your skin, you may even get cellulitis, a potentially serious bacterial infection. In some instances, this can cause disfigurement, such as penile scarring. All of this can lead to loss of sensation,” he explains.

So, the vulva-owners aren’t the only ones who are at risk of serious injury that can lead to permanent damage and loss of pleasure and sensation. Penis-owners are at equal risk.

Toothpaste is for Teeth

Yes, you can find a lot of people out there talking about putting toothpaste on the clitoris and penis. Sure, some even describe how amazing it feels. However, considering those who practice BDSM use this method as a punishment and to inflict pain, that should tell you a great deal.

In addition, putting toothpaste on the clitoris and penis can cause allergic reactions to some of the ingredients of toothpaste, as many people have suffered burns around the mouth and even on the face from using toothpaste on pimples as well as simply brushing their teeth.

So, let’s just make this simple. Toothpaste is for teeth, not genitals.

What to Use Instead

Most people put toothpaste on the clitoris to enhance the sensations of masturbation with that cool, tingling sensation. In addition, when you put toothpaste on the penis, you get similar, cool sensations when you masturbate. But since toothpaste is meant solely to clean teeth, why not try one of the many products out there that are meant especially for your genitals?

Regular Lubricant

Plain ole intimate lubricant may not feel cool and tingly but it does increase sensation while decreasing friction and the soreness and chafing it can cause. You can purchase personal lubricant at any pharmacy, drug store, big box store and online. And you don’t need to be the age of majority to do so!

So, drop the toothpaste tube, put down the hair conditioner or whatever else you are using to slick yourself up and go get yourself some proper lubricant.

Warming Lubricant

Toothpaste on the clitoris and penis, what to use instead

If it’s a warm or cool sensation you desire, don’t put toothpaste on the clitoris and penis! They make lubricants that give you the same sensual feel without the worry of injury. Take, for instance, ID Sensation Warming Lube. You can use this all over the body for intense, warming sensation as well as a cool tingle if you blow on it. Best of all, it’s safe to use on all of your private parts!

Tingly Penis Drops

Toothpaste on the clitoris and penis, what to use instead

Good Head is an old school product that is still one of the best hot, warm, cool, tingly delights you can buy. Yes, you can add a drop or two to any regular lubricant to amp things up but these Good Head Tingle Drops are also perfect for yummy oral sex.

Tingly Clitoris Cream

Toothpaste on the clitoris, what to use instead

Instead of rubbing toothpaste on the clitoris to increase sensitivity and make those O’s amazing, try one of the many female sensitivity gels on the market meant specifically to amp your O’s and make your parts throb with tingly anticipation. Tinkle Her Pink clitoral stimulating gel does just that! It increases blood flow, increases sensitivity and feels o-so-cool and tingly.

Don’t Use Toothpaste on the Clitoris and Penis!

Toothpaste on the clitoris and penis, a painful, dangerous practice

If your best friend jumped off a bridge, would you do it too? Yes, I sound like a mom, because I am and I am trying to make a point. First, just because Miss XXX on Reddit thinks toothpaste on the clitoris is the most incredible thing since sliced bread, doesn’t mean that it is. And just because Joe Blow whacks off daily with Colgate doesn’t mean you should too.

People have been injured from using toothpaste on the clitoris and penis. Doctors have agreed that it can cause burns and injuries, some even permanent. Heck, some people get burns and blisters from using toothpaste the right way! So, be careful, be wise and just use toothpaste on your teeth. Then, go get yourself some proper lubricant or exciting, warming lubes and gels instead.

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