Q&A With Dr. Laurie: Blended Orgasm

Q&A With Dr. Laurie: Blended Orgasm

Q: I don’t remember where I heard about it, but ever since I heard the term “blended orgasm” my curiosity has been piqued. I’ve never had a vaginal orgasm so I’m not even sure that it’s possible. In fact, I’m not even sure whether it’s real or just some fantasy. Is there really such a thing as a blended orgasm? And if yes…is there any easy way to achieve it if the woman in question has only experienced one type of orgasm? 


A: Yes, a blended orgasm is a real thing. It is a combination of clitoral and vaginal stimulation that can lead to a more intense and fulfilling orgasm. Some women find that they are able to achieve blended orgasms more easily than vaginal or clitoral orgasms alone, while others may need more practice or experimentation to find what works best for them. To achieve a blended orgasm, start with clitoral stimulation to get warmed up and then move to vaginal stimulation. Experiment with different positions and techniques to find what works best for you. You can also try using toys or incorporating your partner’s fingers or a toy for added stimulation. Communication with your partner is key to finding what works best for you and your body. It’s important to remember that every woman’s body is different, and what works for one may not work for another. Don’t be discouraged if it takes some time to achieve a blended orgasm or if you find that it’s not something that’s achievable for you. Enjoying the experience and exploring your body is what’s most important.

Timing Is Everything

Q: Hey Dr. Laurie. I was kind of out of the dating game for the pandemic as I took care of my immune-compromised family. As you can imagine, this also meant a lot more time in a crowded house and lot less masturbation. I’m finally back living on my own and getting in the dating game and I just don’t last as long as I used to. As in…. less than a minute. Any tips for lasting longer in the sack? 

A: It’s not uncommon for sexual performance to be affected by changes in lifestyle, stress levels, and other factors. One possible solution for lasting longer in bed is to practice techniques for controlling your arousal and orgasm. This may include focusing on your breathing, slowing down your movements, and changing positions to reduce stimulation. You could also try incorporating more foreplay into your sexual encounters, such as kissing, touching, and oral sex, to help build up your arousal gradually.

Another option is to try using products like delay sprays or condoms, which contain a mild anesthetic that can help desensitize the penis and delay ejaculation. However, it’s important to use these products as directed and be aware of any potential side effects or allergic reactions.

In addition to these strategies, it’s also important to communicate openly with your partner about your concerns and work together to find solutions that work for both of you. Remember, sexual performance is not the most important aspect of a healthy relationship, and there are many other ways to enjoy intimacy and pleasure with your partner.

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