If you're reading this, you might be the type who's tried it all.

Tried all kinds of vibrators, suctions, massager wands, butt plugs and dildos and yet not one of those ever came close to the pleasure you're seeking.

Is it something that you should be worried about? Not at all! Pleasure isn't one size fits all. It's incredibly important to listen to your heart and find out what makes you feel good and follow that despite what others may say.

So if you haven't found the toy to make you see stars, then maybe it's a sign to try making your own!

It's exciting but out of all the toys you could make with your own hands, which one should you choose? May we recommend a classic dildo?

A quick rundown! According to Marie Claire UK, a dildo is "an object shaped like an erect penis used for sexual stimulation."

It's incredibly versatile because you can use the tip to stimulate the clit and vulva, and use the entire phallus for penetration – making it the perfect toy to recreate on your own!

The question now is: "How?"

This article will run down everything you need to make your own dildo. So you feel good all the time.

How to Make A Dildo

How to Make A Dildo

Taking a page off of Tabooless, making a dildo follows one overarching principle: it has to have a base.

That's because dildos, and sex toys in general, require a base to avoid the potential of it slipping inside too far and getting stuck.

Apart from that, there are a few ways to make a dildo:

Using Clone-A-Willy

From the same article, a "Clone-A-Willy" kit allows you to "make a silicone copy of your favorite penis in town."

They come in a variety of colors from natural skin tones to bright and exciting shades. What's even more exciting is that you won't be going about this completely blind – it also comes with instructions that you need to follow.

One of them is making sure your partner's penis is erect during the entire molding process to ensure it gets the most accurate silicone impression.

If you're able to, have your partner give a hand (pun intended)! Their goal is to keep themselves erect while yours is having a watchful eye of the silicone and removing it the moment it sets. It can actually be a nice, slightly steamy bonding time for the both of you!

The only downside to this kit is that it doesn't have a mold for the base. Don't worry, though! There's a way around it – just cut and save the excess portion of the mold before making the main penis. Then, tape that cut-out portion back and pour some more silicone in order to create said base. After an entire afternoon, you finally have a dildo that's the closest to the real thing.

Using a Custom Service

If you want your own dildo but can't be bothered with using your own hands, then custom-making services are the perfect one for you.

These types of services really sit you down for a talk in order to figure out what kind of penis you're looking for – from the color, shape, size and even curve.

Or if that still feels too much, some services offer templates from which you can choose and adjust according to those very detailed preferences you have!

Doing it Completely on Your Own

But if you're the type who can't rest until it's done from top to bottom with their own hands, then building a dildo from scratch is the perfect way to go!

To start this rewarding journey, start by gathering your materials:

  • Sculpey

  • Platinum Cure Silicone

  • Pigments

  • Silicone release spray

  • Containers like boxes, plastic pitchers or Legos

  • Cups and sticks to mix your silicone

When it comes to choosing the right silicone, it's important to keep in mind that the harder the silicone is, the harder the dildo becomes. The same applies when you choose a much softer kind so ultimately, it depends on your preferences.

Just in case you're still lost and need some suggestions to start, then brands like Ecoflex and Dragon Skin as they're formulated more on the softer side and look closer to the real thing than others.

With all your materials in hand, it's time to get sculpting!

Creating the mold is tricky so it's best to follow these steps Beducated to ensure that you don't run into mistakes along the way:

  • You will need a good molding medium. Preferably the Mold Star 16 Fast due to how easy it is to use.

  • Create your desired shape of penis whether through your own artsy hands or if you have the financial capability, use a 3D printer. Let your imagination run wild!

The world's your oyster but always remember to create a base. One way to do it, is to place the mold atop a Sculpey as mentioned above!

  • Then place the mold in an airtight box or water jug. This will serve as the container for silicone to pour over. Spray a thin coat of silicone release.

  • Mix your molding medium thoroughly and fast so you don't exceed the pot-life time limit.

  • Pour the mixture over the container.

  • Let the mixture cure for the amount of time shown in your silicone instructions.

Whew, that was a doozy! At this point, you'll feel like there's already enough options to create your own dildo but we're not yet done! There are other, slightly unconventional ways to create dildos such as these from Gritty Woman:


This fruit is capable of more than just being digested – it's also capable of standing in place of your dildo, skin included.

It's best to pick one that has a noticeable curve so that it can mimic a finger curling over inside the vagina and massaging at the sensitive spot there. It's also preferable to choose one that's yet to ripen so that it's less prone to breaking in half mid-thrust.

Don't forget to wash the banana to prevent discomfort and bacteria coming in, and wear a condom over it because protection applies to everything!


Just like the banana, a cucumber is a good alternative to a dildo. It's more firm than the aforementioned fruit and comes in a variety of sizes. Plus, it's cheaper and more accessible to buy in stores too.

Maybe that's why it's the most popular alternative to dildos!

Again, wash the cucumber well to avoid any dirt, grime or bacteria and fit a condom over it to make sure your insides don't get scratched too roughly. Of course, lube will always be a given because even if it's a vegetable, this is being used as a sex toy.


Just like the rest of the earth-grown items mentioned above, carrots are a great dildo replacement because of its length, stiffness and more importantly, its tapered shape – it's what we're looking for in every sex toy because it prevents it from getting stuck inside.

So apart from rubbing up and pouring some lube over, it's also good practice to never let the full length in at any time, and that applies to all of the alternatives here.


We're charting into riskier territory because a hairbrush isn't like a banana or a cucumber. This is made of plastic which is a much harder and unforgiving material.

But as long as utmost caution is practiced and the right size of brush is chosen, then all's well in using the hairbrush handle as the next dildo.

Just make sure to clean your brush – get rid of all the hair and dust that has accumulated and seal it with a condom and lube and then you're ready to go!

Makeup Brush Handle

Just like the hairbrush, a makeup brush handle is also another alternative to a dildo. It's also made of plastic which warrants additional caution as unlike the hairbrush that has a handle, this one doesn't.

It's imperative to be slow and careful with using this to avoid getting stuck inside so shallow thrusts are the best way to go!

Toothbrush Handle

Another one in the plastic handle family, the toothbrush is a slimmer option for those who are a bit wary of using the wider ones mentioned above. In fact, it's actually the best one for beginners as it's the least intimidating out of all the household items. Again, don't forget to use condoms and lube!


There you have it! A whopping guide to creating your own dildo! There's an understanding that not everyone has immediate access to sex toys because of differing financial priorities so there's nothing to be ashamed about! That's why this article exists! It's to provide you with different ways to still get pleasure within your means. It's fun and empowering at the same time so if you've ever used any of these ways or alternatives, share with us your story in the comments below. We'd love to hear it!

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